Cost for the first roll and DVD (up to 50 feet) is US$60.00 ($30 at time of development), with each additional 50' roll $10.00. Shipping and handling per order is $6.00. (If your film is damaged, please call us for prices.) Please make sure to arrange everything in numerical order. Duplicate DVDs available for $30 each. Approximately 1500 ft of 8 mm fit on a DVD
Service TimeThis film is processed on a volume basis, so turn around time varies. Please allow between three and eight weeks for return to you. ShippingPlease send your film, check, and your name and address in a padded mailer to: If you desire proof of delivery, please send your film via Certified U.S. Mail Return Receipt Requested. |
Send mail to info@rockymountainfilm.com with questions or comments.
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