Black and White Movie Films
You have black and white movie film which includes the following types:
Plus X | |
Tri X | |
4X |
This film is processed as black and white movies. We can transfer your film for an additional charge.
Cost / Price
Cost for development of standard 50' Super 8 cartridges (about 3"x3"x1") is US$42.50 per roll with return shipping and handling $6.00 per order (not per roll). Therefore, one roll is $48.50, two rolls is $91.00, three rolls $133.50, etc. Free shipping on orders of more than ten rolls. International return, please add US$3 for shipping.
Cost for development of 16mm rolls is US$0.85 per foot, 50' minimum with return shipping and handling $6.00 per order (not per roll). Therefore, 1-50 feet is $42.50, 100' is $91.00, 200' is $176.00. etc.
Video Transfer (if desired): DVD: Cost for the first roll and DVD is $30.00 with each additional 50' roll $10.00. VHS: Cost for the first roll and VHS tape (up to 50 feet) is US$20.00 with each additional 50' roll $10.00. See VHS video Transfer or DVD Video Transfer pages for more information.
Service Time
This film is processed on a volume basis, so turn around time varies. Please allow between six and ten weeks for return to you.
Please send your film, check, and your name and address in a padded mailer to:
If you desire proof of delivery, please send your film via Certified U.S. Mail Return Receipt Requested.